Hair That’s Never Touched Scissors

27 06 2008

NNSL Photo/Graphic

Some people get cars for their graduation, or computers, maybe money. One teen in Canada decided to cut her hair – for the first time ever.

The graduate, Jennifer Greenland, thought it would be a good thing to do to mark the occasion and when Joanne Tetlichi, a custodian at the school heard of Jennifer’s plan, she decided she would cut her long hair as well. Add to that list, Kyla Ross – a worker at the school – who made the decision to cut her hair as well.

The women did some searching and decided they would donate their hair to a group in Alberta that makes wigs for cancer patients.

The wig makers require at least 10 inches of hair to make a wig. The three women each donated between one and two feet of hair.

The group even got to have their hair cut on the stage after the graduation ceremony – and several people walked around the room with buckets asking for donations towards cancer research.

You can read more about this somewhat unusual donation here.